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Skyworks Solutions – Capturing the 5G and IoT Revolution in Niche Market Segment

Max Rosmuller (HSG), David Niu (NYU), Madhav Karwa (UMass

Amherst), Tom Hassler (HSG)

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Companies in the niche radio frequency semiconductor market segment can expect substantial opportunities as 5G turns mainstream and IoT connects homes, vehicles and devices - that is if they survive the supply chain challenges posed by the pandemic and geopolitical tensions.

In this report, we analyze Skyworks Solutions, a leading radio frequency semiconductor manufacturer, and find out whether the company can capture the 5G and IoT revolution.

We believe Skyworks is set to lead the radio frequency semiconductor market through the 5G and IoT mega-trends with its diversified product portfolio, big-name customers and highly profitable business model. 2021 has been an incredible year for Skyworks, and if the trend continues, we value the company at a significant premium. When looking at Skyworks’ closest peers, the company trades significantly lower in every valuation metric. Combining our research, we believe Skyworks’ share price can achieve a higher valuation in the medium-term.

Click here to read the full 28 page report and hear our take.


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